Immerse Yourself in Illinois Tech

By Joseph Giovannetti

Stay in touch with Illinois Institute of Technology through the Illinois Tech Alumni Association or by volunteering your time, making a contribution, or networking in the following ways:

Host a Virtual Event

You can help Illinois Tech lead the way by hosting a virtual event for donors, potential students, or alumni. Support the admissions staff by leading a workshop or panel, or support the Office of Advancement by organizing special networking opportunities.

Serve on a Board or Committee

The Alumni Board is actively seeking new members who are committed to advancing Illinois Tech’s mission and vision. You can become involved by serving on committees in several areas of interest from admission and career opportunities to nominations.

Connect and Mentor

Join The Bridge, Illinois Tech’s online networking and mentorship platform. Connect with current students and fellow alumni, offer job advice, or find a mentee. Register for The Bridge at

Volunteer with Admission or Career Services

Greet students and alumni, offer your expertise, or volunteer at events ranging from advice panels to career fairs through the admission or career services offices.

To sign up, visit