Illinois Tech Headliners

Lori B. Andrews

“We’re already used to being tracked online. Now it’s bleeding into the real world.”

Distinguished Professor of Law Emerita Lori B. Andrews, in a column in the Los Angeles Times about the use of Clear Channel’s outdoor billboard surveillance technology

“With technology, we are showing our students and the larger community that the adaptive reuse of existing buildings from the modernist era—rather than demolishing and rebuilding—is a successful sustainable option.”

Professor of Architecture Dirk Denison (ARCH ’83, M.B.A. ’85), design lead of Illinois Tech’s George J. Kacek Hall renovation, in an article about the project in The Architect’s Newspaper

Carly Kocurek

“There’s been a few times where there’s some pushback and there seems to be a real conversation happening, and then it just kind of fizzles.”

Carly Kocurek, associate professor of digital humanities and media studies, commenting on sexist behavior and abuse in the male-dominated video gaming industry in a New York Times article

“Think about the advent of the pandemic. It has turned businesses around and everyone has to find a new way to survive. The skill set that comes with an entrepreneurial mindset [is] relevant for everyone.”

Maryam Saleh, new executive director of the Kaplan Family Institute for Innovation and Tech Entrepreneurship, in a news interview on WTTW